Anime Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment...

By Lady Celestia

The organization of AACUP is a group of anime representatives gathered to express their opinions on how anime are mistreated in animation, fanfiction, fanart, misunderstandings, and dubs. There will be four anime represented. From each anime, there will be two representatives from the 'Heros' and two from the 'Villains'. The current members are as listed:

Sailor Moon:

Good-Usagi, Rei
Bad-Zoicite, Mamoru (he was evil at one point in the plot and none of the others wanted to come)
Gundam Wing:
Good-Heero, Duo
Bad-Zechs, Une
Ranma 1/2:
Good-Ranma, Akane
Bad-Ryoga, Kuno
Good-Ash, Tracey
Bad-Jesse, Cassidy

Summer meeting 2000...

Usagi: First, I'd like to start off the meeting with...does anybody have any food they can share?

Rei: Shut up, Usagi! You had dinner less than 20 minutes ago!

Usagi: Well, being co-chairman of this whole thing, I get hungry easily!

Ash: Come to think of it, I'm kinda hungry myself...

Jesse: You twerps actually get food while we have to starve! The animators are cruel to all of us evil people. While the goody-goodies get the glory and, not to mention, the good food and hygiene, we are stuck in the low life.

Zechs: Speak for yourself, I happen to be royalty from the Sinq Kingdom.

Heero: Who are you calling a goody-goody pointing gun at Jesse?

Jesse: Do you think that I'm afraid of your stupid gun? I'm immortal!

Duo: Hey! How come Sailor Moon and Pokemon characters are immortal and we can get killed. It's not fair! This is an outrage!

Ranma: They die and get resurrected, but YOU NEVER EVEN DIE!!! I get turned into a girl every time I come in contact with cold water. Nobody knows how I feel!

Zoicite: Oh? Is that so? Fish Eye, the Three Star Lights, and myself have complaints about the Japanese creators and the psychopathic dubbers who cause our gender changes. The dubbers have no right to turn a man into a woman! And the creators are just SICK if they make characters who turn from guys to girls!

Ranma: Go complain to MY creator...

Kuno: Thou hath no reason for complaint...thou lives with the pigtailed girl and the lovely Tendo Akane.

Akane: You are an idiot and that is all I have to say, Kuno.

Usagi: At least your voices are normal! First they make me sound like a whiny snob...

Rei: Which you are...go ahead...

Usagi: sticks tongue out at Rei...and then they make me sound like a retard! And the fashion sense. The horror!

All: Yeah, I know.

Mamoru: The green blazer...NOOOO!!!! And what's with the pink shirt they make me wear?!

Heero: On behalf of Quatre...shoots Mamoru

Mamoru: dead at the moment, please come back when resurrected

Une: And the British uniforms, I feel like I should be in the American Revolution! I WANT TO KILL THOSE PRODUCERS!

Cassidy: Calm down!

Une: Sorry...takes off glasses and lets down her hair...I apologize for being so there anything I can do to make up for my horrid behavior?

All: ...?

Duo: About the fashion. I like my rolled up sleeves...

Ranma: And the braid is totally cool.

Duo: But mine is longer, HA!

Ranma: At least I have a choice in turning from gender to gender.

Duo: that?!

Ranma: ...

Duo: I'm going to move a LITTLE bit away from you. Hey Zoicite, wanna trade places with me?

Zoicite: see, I didn't WANT to change genders, it's just that Americans have this problem with homosexuality.

Cassidy: Okay...but see, forget the fashion sense, back to how bad guys are always mistreated! We never win! Even though we are SO much better than that brat!

Jessie: No, I am so much better, you are

Ash: Well, I like being the good guy.

Tracey: Me too.

All: Shut up! And have you looked in a mirror lately?

Tracey: Yeah, why?

All: sweatdrop

Zechs: This isn't applying to me.

Une: Or am I a bad guy? I just want peace, peace is the solution for everything...puts on glasses and does the funky hairstyle...WAR! The only way to achieve what you want is to fight, murder, KILL!!!

Ryoga: just walking inWhew! I made it! It took me SO long to find this stupid place!

Kuno: Thou art late, Ryoga.

Ranma: HARD?! To find?! All you had to do was use the map I gave you!

Ryoga: I did holding up map.

Ranma: This might help turns the map right-side-up.

Ryoga: Oh...

Rei: Now back to the REAL discussion...I am personally against fanfiction and fanart that depict false information.

Heero: What false information?

Rei: What? You really LIKE Relena?!

Heero: ?

Duo: No duh! Of course, how blind can you be?! He's head over heels in love with her!

Heero: shoots Duo, sorry all you Duo fans

Duo: dies

Heero: That proves that even we Gundam pilots can die.

Jessie: Well, I can't!

Heero: Would you care to find out holding a gun to Jessie's head?

Jessie: Eh...never mind.

Une: And those fanfics are always making me SO weird! Like I'm a schizophrenic or something! They should be decapitated!

Ash: Stop using those big words!

Usagi: Yeah, we're not Ami-chan, you know.

Rei: You're an idiot, Usagi.

Akane: Then maybe SHE should get together with Kuno.

Kuno: staring at Usagi My love...

Ryoga: What...?

Akane: Ryoga too.

Ranma: Hahaha! In your face, dissed by Akane!

Akane: And add Ranma to that group.

Ranma: I hate you. I would cuss, but I'm not allowed to.

Heero: The dubbers won't let me curse, or any Gundam pilot, at that.

Duo: springs back to life Blast them! Everyone deserves the right to swear! drops dead again

Usagi: That never happened.

Tracey: And he was the one complaining about not being resurrected. How ironic, that guy is strange.

Duo: springs back to life Who are you calling ironic?! shoots Tracey

Tracey: dies

Duo: Ha! Shows you! drops dead again

All: silence

Heero: That was MY job...

Usagi: I think he's possessed.

Rei: Did someone say 'possessed'?! Coming through...lemme handle this. Evil spirits begone! sticks a sticker on Duo

Duo: peaceful expression on his face

Rei: There ya go! Rest in peace, pal!

Usagi: What happened to your Aku-ryo-tai-san?

Rei: Like anyone would understand, besides, I'm owned by a stupid dubbing company right now, remember? The one that made me a valley girl!

Jessie: So?! They made ME a mean old hag!

Cassidy: I guess they did a good job of portraying you, then.

Jessie: And you're a brat! Just like him!

Ash: Who me?

Rei: People! Like I was saying, the fanfics.

Ash: I don't like Misty...and she doesn't like me.

Jessie: And I really find it stupid that people think James and I like each other!

Cassidy: And people are just assuming that Butch and I like each other after TWO episodes!!!

Rei: Forget that, the point here is...I DON'T LIKE CHAD!!!

Usagi: Yeah, sure, whatever...

Rei: Heero, could you do me a big favor and shoot her too?

Heero: shoots Usagi

Usagi: dies

Rei: Thank you.

Zoicite: I'm still mad that they made me a GIRL!

Ranma: I get turned into a girl about 5 times per day! Do you know HOW much cold water there is in this world?

Ryoga: A pretty girl is better than a...

Akane: A what?

Ryoga: Uh...hehe...never mind.


Heero: shoots Zoicite

Zoicite: dies

Heero: That's what you get for calling me cruel and insensitive.

Ash: But you ARE cruel and insensitive...

Heero: shoots Ash

Ash: dies

Cassidy: Only two episodes...oblivious to everyone around her Two stupid episodes! Well, at least there is a REASONABLE amount of websites dedicated to me. And people like me better than that incompetent beast, J...

Jessie: stares evilly

Cassidy: Never mind...sigh

Kuno: What am I doing here anyway?

Ryoga: Yeah, we're not bad guys.

Akane: There's really no way to tell, is there?

Ranma: Well, either way, I'm the good guy.

Ryoga: Or the good 'girl'.

Kuno: ?

Ranma: Well, I know why YOU'RE called a 'bad' guy, because you're bad at everything you do!

Ryoga: Not funny!

Ranma and Ryoga fight

Ranma: kicks Ryoga

Ryoga: kicks Ranma

Ranma: exhausted

Ryoga: exhausted

Ranma: dies

Ryoga: dies

Kuno: They both deserved to die...especially Ranma, now you're free. Thou art free from the bonds of marriage, Akane Tendo.

Akane: Ranma...

Kuno: I am much better than him anyways and thou art privileged to marry ME.

Akane: takes Heero's gun - shoots Kuno

Kuno: dies

Heero: takes back gun - shoots Akane

Akane: dies

Heero: That's what you get from touching MY gun...


Une: You are a TRAITOR (this is evil Lady Une)!

Zechs: And YOU are a murderer!

Une: You betrayed OZ!

Zechs: That is because the policies are wrong and the people are selfish!

Une: Are you saying that Mister Treize is selfish?! He's your best friend!

Zechs: Don't misunderstand, Une...

Une: takes out gun and points it at Zechs

Zechs: takes out gun and points it at Une

Both: shoot each other

Both: dies

Heero: stareThey shouldn't just waste perfectly good guns like that.

Jessie: Hmph...I NEVER die!

Heero: Shut up already! shoots Jessie

Jessie: dies

Heero: See? Even YOU can die.

Cassidy: Hehe...sweatdrop I am SO outta here.

Heero: Coward.

Cassidy: No, actually, Mr. I Just Love To Kill People Even If They Didn't Do Anything To Me It's Just A Hobby Of Mine, it's not called cowardice in this case.

Heero: Oh? What's it called in 'this case'.

Cassidy: Well, you're an assassin, so in this case, it wouldn't be called bravery if I stayed, it would be called stupidity. Considering you're gonna kill me either way, I might as well not be stupid and just leave while I still HAVE my life. I'm not suicidal, you know.

Rei: How is this suicidal?

Cassidy: If I stayed, I would get killed, wouldn't I? So, basically if I decided to stay, I'd be killing myself. Well, adios, I'm gone!leaves

Rei: Shoot, there isn't anybody here execpt for me and...well, you.

Heero: Is there something wrong with me? pointing gun at Rei's head

Rei: Besides the fact that you like to kill people, nah...

Heero: points gun at Rei

Rei: Go ahead, I don't really care...

Heero: ???

Rei: Hehe! Just try and you'll see what I mean...

Heero: pulls trigger - nothing happens Huh? I ran out of bullets?

Rei: Haha! I calculated and figured that you'd be running out of bullets soon. What took you so long? It's about time...

Heero: Grrr...

Rei: Let me pay you back on behalf of all the other members.

Heero: ?

Rei: Mars Star Power! Make UP! transforms Burning Mandala!

Heero: hit by rings of fire AHHHH!!!! dies...finally

Rei: Ha! Well, since I'm the only one left, I guess that means the conference is over. Darn, I didn't even get to complain about how much violence there is, oh well. shrugs and leaves

The End

Well, it was short, I usually write short, script-like stuff. Email me your thoughts, I don't get enough email...sigh