Untitled Shortfic

By Sadie DragonFire

Author's note: Can you guess the crossover? If you can't, I would suggest hitting the bookshelves....

Ranma glanced up from the homework he considering getting done to see Ryoga standing in the doorway to the guest room. He looked caught somewhere between excitement and shock.

"Hey, Ryoga!" Ranma greeted with his usual cocky grin, "You're back early, its only been a couple days. Where ya been?"

"I was lost in a closet!" Ryoga said eagerly. Ranma raised an eyebrow.

"Really? And it took you two days to get out?" his grin broadened, "Congratulations! That's a new record isn't it?"

Ryoga opened his mouth, then closed it and glared at Ranma. "Very funny." The excited gleam returned to his eyes. "But it wasn't just an ordinary closet! I was in this forest and it was snowing and there was this lamp post growing out of the ground...."

"Wait, wait!" Ranma waved his hands to stop the flood, knocking most of his school work to the floor in the process, "I thought you said you were in a closet?"

"Well," Ryoga looked thoughtful, "It was really more of a wardrobe...."

"Closet, wardrobe, whatever! The point is, they *don't* have forests!" Ranma insisted, wondering if he'd hit Ryoga in the head one-too-many times.

"I know! That�s the thing! This one did!" Ryoga continued, determined, "And what's more, there were people living there too. Weird people that looked like they were half animal. And one of them was telling me this whole story about a witch..."

"You've been eating Akane's cooking again, haven't you?" Ranma demanded, shaking his head and speculating if he could use 'interrupted by a madman' as a valid excuse for not getting his homework done. "I knew this would happen, that poison has finally corrupted what little brain cells you had left."

"Why you..." Ryoga growled and lunged at the smirking marital artist, "Prepare to die!"

The usual chaos ensued and topic of discussion was completely forgotten. Meanwhile, over in England, four children were staying with an older relative....


Note: This is a Ranma crossover with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe