"The Plays the Thing"
or: "The Thespian and the Aquatranssexual"

A Ranma � / Urusei Yatsura spamfic
By Henry J. Cobb
[email protected]

These characters and situations are the creation of Rumiko Takahashi. No infringement of her copyrights is intended.


Damn Ton-chan anyway.

Doesn't he know how important this drama competition is to me?

But no, he had baseball practice. Always baseball practice. For somebody who was always practicing, one would think he'd actually get good at it.

In desperation, I had asked Ataru to come along. That would have been fun. We could have gotten pictures taken. Both Ton-chan and my dearest brother would have been sent copies. It would even have been worth kissing the idiot, just to see the looks on their faces.

But Lum had found out about it and now I sit here all alone, while a bunch of amateurs mutilate my favorite play. Life is so dull and unfair. I take a tissue from the box offered by one of my kuroko and dab at my eyes.

At least it will be over soon, this is the last group of losers in the competition.

They really don't seem to any grasp of the lines at all. How I want to jump up there and take over, but even idiots deserve the chance to stage their productions.

It does seem to have some interesting twists with two Juliets and several Romeos and a subplot about inheriting a Dojo.

Now at the end, this Romeo is unable to awaken his Juliet with a kiss. That is exactly like my life. Deadly dull with no prince capable of sparking any life into it. Finally, the "corpse" takes matters into her own hands and pulls him down to her.

Yes, that is what I should do. I applaud heartily this reinterpretation of the classic. The winning team is no surprise.

I gesture for my kuroko to attend, "Find out all about that Romeo. The last one."