Author's note: This one turned out to involve more of the CCD trio than Subaru... ^_^;; C&C always appreciated!

Sweets and Liquor

By Monica Shin

"Sumeragi-san, are you all right?" The soft, quiet voice whispered from behind Subaru, startling him. He turned around and saw Nokoru standing behind him. "Imonoyama-san... I'm fine. Thank you for asking." Subaru turned to go into his room when the voice stopped him again with its gentle concern. "Sumeragi-san, you appear to be very distressed right now. Are you truly fine?" Nokoru's face forced itself into Subaru's field of vision, and those concerned eyes forced truth out of him.

Leaning against the wall, Subaru smiled wearily. "Of course I'm fine. How could I not be? After all, if I wasn't, who could Kamui turn to? It's not important what I feel..." Seeing Nokoru's distressed expression, Subaru turned again to go to his room. He finished speaking in a tired, slightly resigned tone. "Don't worry about me, Imonoyama-san. I'll be fine, and even if I'm not... I'll survive to be one of your seven Dragons of Heaven- don't worry about that." With that last statement, Subaru went into his room, closing the door firmly behind him.

Nokoru stared at the door to Subaru's room for a moment before going back to his office. When he stepped in, he couldn't help but stare a moment at the pile of papers on his desk. *Even after all this time, I never manage to finish, do I?* Smiling a little, he set to work. *After all, it's not like I'm a child anymore- complaining about paperwork wouldn't be right after all that's happened these past few days...*

His smile slowly disappeared as he thought back to the events that had unfolded earlier at the campus. *How was I to know something like this would happen? Could I have known? Losing Kotori and Fuuma at the same time... poor Shirou-kun- no, poor Kamui- either one.* He stopped working and started to stare out at the lovely day. *The day is a little too nice... it's not at all the way it should look after all that's happened.*

He sighed and got up from the desk. *Suoh's going to kill me, but I just can't get work done today. I can't help feel guilty about being to late to help Kotori or Fuuma...* He remembered the way Kamui had looked before they had given him medical attention. Blood had been pouring out of numerous cruel cuts as he had clutched at Kotori's head- it had been too terrible. No one could have been immune to the awful pain Kamui must have been going through- both physical and mental. Unflappable Suoh had been shocked, and Akira even more so. *And so was I...*

He couldn't help but feel gratitude toward Subaru in particular for going into Kamui's mind at considerable risk to himself. His rescue of Kamui from Kamui's need to get away from the world... that had been a very risky and noble thing to do. Then again, that described Subaru as well- perhaps a bit too much. A person too prone to putting himself in danger for another, even after all that had happened to him.

He had asked Suoh to get him a full report on the Sumeragi head- no matter how powerful a family like the Sumeragis might be, the Imonoyama-controlled CLAMP Campus systems had even more resources available when it came to information. Subaru's history- it worried him even more than Kamui's had. At least Kamui was now surrounded by men and women who were willing to give him support and help. But Subaru... he had been too alone, obsessing about the murder and the killer for too long.

Subaru... he was much too vulnerable to Sakurazukamori. The thought of that cold, evil man was enough to make Nokoru truly disgusted. *What that bastard had done to a person who had been so innocent just for a hunt- that was truly unforgivable.* But worst of all, Subaru seemed to be infatuated- no, not just infatuated... He was obsessed and in love with his sister's murderer. A murderer who was on the other side of the battle for Humanity, and who was willing to play with Subaru before killing him...

*That could seriously jeopardize the chances for Subaru to win... and that means that the chances of the Dragons of Heaven to win are lessened, too.* As much as Nokoru wanted a healthy planet, he liked humanity too... He wanted his race to live and the only way that would happen was if the Dragons of Heaven won. *Sumeragi-san... he needs to get over his obsession with Sakurazukamori if he is to have any chance of winning. As powerful as he is, his other had been practicing and perfecting his hunting for much longer.*

As he was trying to develop his plan on how he was going to help solve this problem of Subaru, Nokoru failed to notice Suoh and Akira coming in. Seeing his bemused expression, Suoh and Akira looked at each other and nodded. First, Akira came up to him and asked in a rather overly bright voice, "Nokoru-san! Would you like something to eat? I just went shopping, and I got the perfect thing to finish up a dessert I had started to make. It's something sweet and delicious... and it seems like you need something to cheer you up."

Nokoru started, as he finally noticed that the two had come in. "Ah-Akira, Suoh! Yes, I would like that very much. Something sweet to eat would be welcome right now. Oh, and don't forget our guests would probably like something too." Akira nodded, and headed off into the kitchen, though not before giving Suoh a significant look. It was a double-pronged plan that they had come up with before to try to relieve some of Nokoru's stress from running CLAMP Campus... that, and knowing about the end of the world. Akira would be the happy one, and Suoh the sterner one- both trying in different ways to distract Kaichou from some of the pressures...

As usual, it worked. While Akira was cooking, Suoh noticed exactly how much paperwork was still on Nokoru's desk. "Nokoru-san! Are you still not done? Ijyuin and I have been done since this morning, and those papers need your attention!" This was the usual signal for Nokoru to try to weasel out of the work- but this time, Nokoru just sighed and went to work. "All right, Suoh. I was going to try to do them anyway."

He didn't notice Suoh's shocked expression, or the concerned look that the younger man gave Akira, who had come in bearing a tray. Akira frowned as he looked at the diligently working Nokoru, and then said in a bright voice, "Nokoru-san! Here's your tea and snack." Nokoru said, "Thank you, Akira." without looking up, his voice a bit depressed. Suoh followed Akira out, as Akira said, "While you're finishing up, I'll go distribute this to our guests... Suoh-san, could you help me?"

When they were outside of the spacious office, Akira told Suoh in a worried voice, "He doesn't seem to be himself, and this isn't like his usual mood, even for when he's stressed." Suoh nodded and replied, "I think it's because of Monou-tachi... Kotori-san's death hurt him because he wasn't able to protect her, and Fuuma-san's defection, because of the damage done to Kamui because of Fuuma-san's change into a Dragon of Heaven... All three were people whom Nokoru-san was supposed to help and protect."

Akira looked pensive for a moment. "Kaichou... I mean, Nokoru-san... he feels so responsible for that right now! How could he have stopped it? It's giving him so much to worry about- I'm really concerned about him. He may seem like a carefree person, without any worries to most, but we both know differently. He cares a little too much sometimes, and when he can't help someone, he tears himself up inside..."

Suoh sighed. "There isn't more we can do, except what we've been doing. We have to protect him the best we can, but we can't do everything. His feelings are his own- all we can do is guard him from harm, and make sure that he takes care of himself. We have to be his there for him, so he can be Kaichou..." Then he smiled. "Come on, Ijyuin. We have to deliver these sweets, remember?"

As Nokoru looked out the window, glaring at the bright, sunny day, he couldn't help but smile over the transparent effort of both to distract him from his troubles. *Ah... without Akira or Suoh, what would I do? They are my strength...* He took a small piece of whatever delicacy Akira had whipped up this time, and after tasting it, smiled in delight. *Delicious as usual, Akira. How you do it, I don't know...*

He turned back with a sense of purpose to the paperwork. As much as he usually dreaded it, now it helped him ignored the guilt and depression that had been plaguing him throughout the last few days. The sight of Kotori and Kamui kept flashing in his mind, but the monotony of the bureaucratic nonsense kept him distracted-for a little while, anyway. Still... now it wasn't Kamui and Kotori that was distracting him- it was the onmyouji who had looked at him with such sad, resigned eyes.

*He's tired and vulnerable. That's not good when he might have to fight with his enemy- no, not just his enemy... his lover, too- in a matter of hours or days... no one knows when the Promised Day will come, but we all know that time is running out. He's not ready for anything yet. He's already confronted Sakurazukamori in the emotional state he's in now, and lost. He knows that he's not good enough- that last thought is probably going to ruin his ability to fight even more. This is a problem.*

He stared at the paper for a minute, before realizing that he had not read past the first line. He stood up, and abandoned all pretense of doing any work. *As much as I hate this stuff, it is important to run CLAMP Campus. I won't let myself do it while I'm so distracted. Suoh's not going to be happy, though...* Instead, he looked out at the window for a while, seeing the happy faces of the students as they went out for lunch. He saw several glancing at the ruined building, wondering what had happened, but most of them just walked on- confident that nothing at CLAMP Campus could hold any danger to them.

*At least, that used to be true... before I brought the danger here to let the Campus fulfill its function. I hope that no one gets hurt in the probable fighting ahead, but I know better then that. Maybe a few days of classes off would be good... but no, that'll cause too much attention, and...* His thoughts raced, trying to plan for any eventuality, while Suoh and Akira came in again. In Akira's hand was one last dessert, and he put it down on the desk to get Nokoru's attention.

When Suoh felt Nokoru's distracted air, he knew that no more paperwork was going to be done today. He sighed and took the pile that had been finished, leaving the rest as an unspoken reproach on the desk. "Nokoru-san... I realize that you're not going to finish the rest of those today, but try to finish them soon. Though we know that something much more important is going on in the world, most of the people who are on this campus do not, and they're expecting you to run the school as you usually do."

As Nokoru's surprised gaze came to rest on Suoh, the younger man smiled. "Nokoru-san, please get some rest. I realize that you have been busy with all that has been going on, but remaining in that agitated state is not good for your health. I'm sure Ijyuin will agree with me..." Akira chimed in, saying, "Nokoru-san! I noticed that you didn't finish your dessert, or the meal I made you before. You have to take care of yourself- go and get some sleep."

Nokoru smiled at his two concerned friends, and nodded. "I am feeling rather tired, I suppose. Akira, Suoh- I'll be in my room, taking a nap. But call me if anything happens-" Then his gaze turned to the unfinished dessert that had been put on his desk. "Akira, did you want me to eat that? I'm sorry, but I'm truly not very hungry." Akira said, "No, Nokoru-san. I made that for Sumeragi-san, but he didn't seem to want to have any."

Nokoru frowned, and said, "Well, he doesn't know what he's missing, not having one of your desserts. I'll bring it to his room again before I go get some sleep. It is on the way." Then, picking up the dish off the desk, he strolled out of the office in an unconcerned manner.

Suoh and Akira stared at Nokoru's retreating back. After a bit of silence, Akira asked, "Sumeragi-san... Why would Nokoru-san go to give him the dessert? Usually, he would leave a person alone, and just tell them what they had missed before." Suoh frowned, before asking in a speculative tone, "Ijyuin. Have you noticed Nokoru-san acting like this before? Not just distracted, but really so... unseeing."

Akira shook his head, and replied, "No, I haven't. But it's probably just because of what happened, and because he knows the promised day will be soon. He's trying to take care of too much at once. Right?" He looked inquiringly at Suoh, who had a strange expression on his face. He looked almost as if he had been hit with a brick on the back of the head... "Akira- haven't you ever wondered why Nokoru-san doesn't have a girlfriend, when he's so popular with the ladies? He encourages them all the same, and never really picks one."

"Suoh-san... you know that he loves them all equally. He would never be so unfair as to let only one have his attention." Akira gave Suoh a questioning look, before continuing. "Lately though, he hasn't really been encouraging any of the girls. He's been much more serious and truly less flamboyant lately... His fan club has been getting smaller, and the girls have started to chase some of the more accessible guys. I thought it was because of his responsibilities."

Looking questioningly at Suoh, Akira continued, thinking out loud. "Maybe he thought that since he was chairman, he shouldn't be so blatant anymore. But now that I think about it, I'm not so sure... Anyway, what does Nokoru-san not having a girlfriend have anything to do with his strange behavior?" Suoh gave Akira an exasperated look. "Ijyuin... Akira, you're not as innocent as you were in fourth grade, you know. Why would I be asking if I was commenting on his lack of interest in girls, and Sumeragi-san at the same time?"

Startled, Akira thought back to the conversation, and the way that Nokoru had been acting at the same time. "Ah! You don't mean that you think... Suoh! Kaichou? You've got to be kidding!" He reflected a bit more, before adding, "It's impossible, right? Not after the way he kept talking about saving women, rescuing women, and receiving love from women." Suoh gave him a significant look, and Akira thought back to what he had just said.

"Protecting women, rescuing women, receiving love from women... But in all that time, nothing about loving a woman back in return, except in the most general sense. But- oh no! Suoh... don't tell me he's infatuated with Sumeragi! I've read his report. Not only is he a borderline suicide, he's also been hunted by Sakurazukamori! And he's still having a strange relationship with the killer..."

Akira slumped down on the floor. "Suoh... how are we going to protect him from someone like that? Even if we give up our lives- which I know we will if we have to- how can we make sure that it's enough? Our toughest enemies have been people trying to kidnap him for his power and money- professionals, sure... but also merely human. Sakurazukamori is a power, and he's one of the Seven Dragons of Earth. We're not good enough to protect him from *that* if the assassin believes that Kaichou is interfering with his game..."

Suoh's voice rang out behind him. "I don't like it either, but all we can do is try to make sure that he's not hurt by either one of them." Akira turned around and saw that Suoh was at Nokoru's desk neatening up the piles of papers, his hands trembling. "We just have to protect him... that's why we're here." Akira nodded, and standing up, went over to Suoh's side. "And if we can't?"

The answer rang out, icy and clear. "We will. Don't even think about the alternative. He may not be one of the major players in this war, but he's our leader, and we will protect him." Akira looked down at the desk where he saw a picture that had been taken a long time ago. It had Nokoru and Akira fooling around as usual, with Suoh off to the side with an annoyed expression on his face. Looking closer, he saw what he remembered. Suoh had been looking out for enemies, while he had been making sure Kaichou was safe. "Protecting him is all we can do." With those last words in his mind, Akira smiled wistfully. *Kaichou... we will keep you safe as best we can...*

As he knocked on Subaru's door, Nokoru felt anxious. Why? He had no idea... but it didn't change the fact that he was. Ignoring his inner trepidation, he knocked again. Still no response. *What is he doing in there?* "Sumeragi-san! Are you in there? This is Imonoyama, and I have something that you'll regret not having." No response. *Well, this _is_ my property, so in a way...*

As he opened the door, he was surprised to find that the lights were out. The room's occupant was sitting on the floor, staring vacantly at a wall. The curtains were drawn, and Subaru seemed to be looking at his room without truly seeing anything. Nokoru coughed, before saying in a low tone, "Sumeragi-san. Should I leave? Well, I'll leave this here for you to have later."

As he was walking out the door, he started to berate himself. *How could you just go into a onmyouji's room like that? He was probably meditating or something... he doesn't need you to go bothering him...* He noticed how childishly he was behaving, but he wasn't really sure why. *It must be the lack of sleep. Why else would I be acting so irrationally?*

He stopped walking as a whisper reached his ear. "What did you bring me that was so important that you had to disturb my work?" Nokoru stepped back into the room, feeling quite unlike himself. "Well, it was just Akira's dessert. He made one for everyone, but you didn't seem to want to open the door, so I brought it in. It's quite good- Akira is a very talented chef. Anyway, I see that you're busy so-"

*What the hell am I doing? Babbling, that's what! Stop it!* Nokoru managed to stop his flow of words, and tried to cover up his strange nervousness by looking around the room. "Ah... isn't this a little dark? Would you mind if I turned on the lights?" Taking the silence for a yes, Nokoru reached over the flipped the lights on. The bed looked like it hadn't been slept in at all.

*What am I doing, looking at his bed anyway?* Confused, Nokoru said the first thing that came to mind. "What were you doing, Sumeragi-san? I'm sorry to have disturbed you..." *That's better... why am I so nervous?* Subaru's voice interrupted his mind's frantic thoughts as he said, "I was reinforcing my shields... they have been dangerously close to collapse after all that's happened."

Nokoru looked up at Subaru in surprise. Subaru's exhaustion was evident from his voice- that and his sense of hopelessness. "Sumeragi-san. Have you been sleeping at all these past few days?" Subaru looked at him in askance, probably over the sharp tone in his voice. "It's not really necessary for me to sleep. I got a few hours some time ago- I'm too busy protecting myself, and Kamui. He may not know it, but he needs the shields I'm putting over him."

Subaru waved his hand at Nokoru, motioning him to go away. "I'm fine... don't worry about me. I told you that I wouldn't break, right? It's not like I'm going to abandon Kamui to his fate- I'm not going to go anywhere." Nokoru said in a sharp tone, "Why would you think I would assume that you would be leaving? You sound like you were thinking about it a little too much. And I assure you that going without sleep is _not_ all right. Without sleep, you will be too exhausted to function in the ways that you need to in order to protect yourself and Kamui. You should know that."

Nokoru looked at Subaru critically, truly assessing his appearance. "You haven't been eating, have you? Using your psychic energy on defense is good, but not feeding your body while you're doing so will not help your fight with Sakurazukamori any. You're already vulnerable in that area- try to be physically well, at the very least." Nokoru stopped his lecture- for he realized that was what that speech had been- when Subaru gave him a _look_. One that said, =I don't need your help, I don't know why you're here, and why are you talking to me?=

Nokoru blushed, and looked down at the dessert. "At least have this. Akira made it, and he really is a good cook..." He laughed a little ruefully, as he realized what he had been saying. "That was almost the exact speech that Akira and Suoh have to give me on occasion... I know how they feel now." He looked up, and saw the onmyouji reaching for the plate. Smiling at the resigned look on Subaru's face, Nokoru handed him the fork as well. As he was doing so, Nokoru commented, "But you really should get some sleep. You have to be tired after all that you've done, and keeping yourself awake is not a good idea..."

He looked up at Subaru's face, which had acquired a strange expression upon it. "What's wrong?" He saw Subaru struggle to speak for a moment, before he realized. "No milk?" He couldn't help but giggle at Subaru's annoyed expression, and said, "Follow me! We can sneak into the kitchen. I'm not supposed to be up right now- if Akira or Suoh find out I'm not taking a nap, they'll yell at me..." Not seeing Subaru's startled expression, Nokoru motioned for him to follow.

They managed to get into the kitchen without anyone noticing. *It's a good thing Akira and Suoh aren't around...* He motions for Subaru to sit at the small table near the window. "Here's your milk- and some more food." Nokoru took out the leftovers from his lunch and put it in the oven. "I'm not a good cook, but I do know how to heat up leftovers. Just wait a bit, and it'll be done."

Subaru looked at him with an annoyed expression. "That's quite all right, Imonoyama-san. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and I do not need you to feed me-" He stopped as Nokoru started to giggle again. At Subaru's exasperated look, Nokoru replied, "You do realize that you have chocolate all over your lips as you're saying that, right?" Subaru blushed a little, as Nokoru got a napkin from the counter.

"Here." As Nokoru started to wipe the chocolate off Subaru's face, Subaru looked like he was about to say something caustic. But looking at Nokoru's humor-filled face, he just replied, "Whether I had chocolate on my face or not, what I was saying is true." Nokoru replied, "I know... but I haven't eaten either, and I know both of us should eat, even if we don't want to."

As Nokoru got up to get the food from the oven, Subaru said in a musing sort of way, "You're very different from the way I thought you were, you know." A questioning look from Nokoru prompted him to continue. "I mean, when I first saw you, you were leading us to the center of CLAMP Campus to where Kamui placed the Shinken. You were not like the way you are now at all." Nokoru replied in a teasing tone, "And what am I like now?"

"Relaxed, for one thing-" Subaru's eyes lit up involuntarily as he gazed upon what Nokoru had modestly called leftovers. Almost against his will, Subaru started to dig in wholeheartedly. Swallowing after a large bite, he continued, "You're almost a different person from that stern individual with the sad eyes telling Kamui where the Shinken should go..." Nokoru smiled a little sadly. "That's my "Chairman" act... well, not an act, but a way of behaving. I can't always be the way I used to be... not now. This is the closest I get to being the carefree person I was. Kind of like you."

That last statement distracted Subaru, who had been attacking his food rather thoroughly. At Nokoru's raised eyebrow, Subaru answered, "So maybe I was hungry. So what? Anyway, what do you mean- kind of like me?" Picking at his own portion, Nokoru replied, "The way you're acting now is a bit more freer than the stern onmyouji I saw before- or the depressed young man I talked to in the hallway..."

"I suppose I am- it's just that the way you act now reminds me of someone... I'm just not sure of who. You're a very caring person, aren't you?" The last was spoken in a wistful tone, prompting a reply from Nokoru. "I try to be. I don't like having people sad because of me, and I like to see people happy. That's why I'm so glad that Akira has Utako, and that Suoh has Nagisa. Just because I'm a little lonely doesn't mean that they should be-"

*Why did I just say that? Where did that come from?* Nokoru laughed a little, to clear his thinking. *Gods... if we go on like this, neither of us is going to get any sleep... maybe a little help would do us both some good.* Looking around, Nokoru saw what he had been looking for. He asked, "Anyway... want a refill?" At Subaru's nod, he went to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle. Going to the sink, he got two glasses and filled both with the amber liquid.. "What's this?" Subaru asked as he gestured at the cups. "Cognac." Subaru looked at him, questioning. "I thought that we could both use a little to help us sleep. We both need to, but we won't- not unless we have to. Am I right?"

At Subaru's rueful nod, Nokoru continued. "Now, you know the only way we're ever going to fall asleep is if we drink enough to make us insensible. Do you want to sleep here, or in your room?" Picking up the bottle and handing Subaru the cups, Nokoru gestured toward the door. "Let's go, Sumeragi-san." Subaru stood as well, and then said quickly, "Don't call me Sumeragi-san. Just call me Subaru." Nokoru nodded, and replied, "Only if you stop calling me Imonoyama-san. Nokoru is my name."

"Kaichou is what?!" Akira exclaimed in a scandalized tone. In an unbelieving tone himself, Suoh replied, "He's in Sumeragi's bedroom getting drunk with him." "You've got to be joking, right?" Suoh shook his head. "No... I'm not." Akira couldn't help but laugh. "Well, that's like Kaichou all right... doing the unexpected. What's he trying to do, anyway?" Then he blushed a little, and said quickly, "Never mind!"

Suoh replied, "It doesn't matter, does it? That's all we have to know until he chooses to inform us of any further developments." Akira nodded vigorously, still blushing, and added, "He's not going to be able to do anything tomorrow, if only because of the hangover. I'll try to cancel his appointments, and you'd better do something about the paperwork on his desk." Suoh gave a incredulous laugh. "This isn't quite what I meant by protect, but..." Akira joined in on his laughter, before they went off to do battle for Kaichou's dignity.

"Ya know... Noko-ru... I don't ushally drink. Did ja know that?" Subaru was slumped on the floor, nursing his third glass of cognac, rip- roaringly drunk. Nokoru was not quite in the same condition, but he was drunk enough so that thinking was a bit difficult. "This was a really good idea, wush't it, Subaru? I don't either..." They sat drinking for another minute, silent. Lost in thoughts that were being pleasantly fogged over by the alcohol.

Suddenly, Subaru spoke up. "I know who ya reminded me of... Seshiro-saan. Not Shakura- Shakurasu- not the killer. The veternar'n I thought he wush." Then, he whispered in a remarkably clear tone, "You have his laughing eyes..." He frowned. "I don't wanna go ta sleep... the dreams will get me... don't let him-" Then, he was asleep on the floor.

Nokoru was not as drunk as that... not yet anyway. He didn't really feel like drinking alone, so he figured he might as well get some sleep too. *I don't think I should take the bed, though.* He moved over to Subaru, and forced the unconscious onmyouji to stand. *He's so light...* He managed to get him to the bed, where he collapsed unceremoniously, with Subaru beneath of him. The room spun for a minute and he couldn't seem to be able to get off the bed...

*I should get his boots off...* He found himself staring right at Subaru's parted lips, and suddenly, his heart started to pound. *A little closer, and...* As he got closer to those inviting lips, he realized what he'd been about to do. He got off the bed hurriedly, whispering to himself, "What the hell am I doing? It must be the liquor..."

Looking at Subaru's prone body, Nokoru forced himself to go forward, and remove Subaru's shirt and boots. *I think I'll leave the pants...* He sat down next to the bed. *What the hell was I about to do? Tell me I didn't... Oh gods. I did... I'm infatuated, and somehow, I'm in an empty room with him, while he's unconscious. And I'm half-drunk. This is not a good thing for either of us. He's in love with that guy, and I... I'm not supposed to get so involved. NO! I should just leave now...*

As he was about to go, two hands wrapped around his arm. "Wha-" He was startled to discover Subaru's open eyes gazing at him. "Seishirou-san... is that you? What are you doing here? Did Hokuto-chan let you in? I had such a bad dream..." *Gods- tell me that he's not doing this. He thinks that I'm the "kindly" vet. So easy just to...* He sat down on the bed, with Subaru still clutching at his arm.

As he stroked Subaru's soft face, frowning at the slight scar left on his right cheek, Subaru murmured and snuggled into his embrace. "Be glad that I'm not as drunk as you, Subaru. Or else we could have done something we both would have regretted." He saw Subaru's trusting smile, and couldn't bear to leave. *Nothing's going to happen. I'm just going to keep your nightmares away, that's all.* Then, he placed a small, soft kiss on the right cheek where a bandage had been a few days ago. "Good night, Subaru..." Then he too was asleep, dreaming of warmth...

As Nokoru awoke, he still felt the warmth around him... except it wasn't the warmth of the dream. It was the heat of arms around him, of a head nestled on his chest. "What happened..." Then the memories from last night came crashing on top of him, along with the foreseen hangover. "Oh... remind me not to do that again." Then he remembered where he was, and blushed. *I'd better get out of here before he wakes up-* He felt arms tighten around him, as Subaru started to stir.

"What the hell did we do?" Subaru's pain-filled voice stabbed into Nokoru's heart because it was filled with fright and betrayal as well. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Look- I've got all my clothes on, and you have your pants on, you know. And you don't say it in such a horrified way. It's not like I was about to-" He blushed. *Not that I didn't want to...*

He was shocked out of his guilty, slightly regretful thoughts by warm arms tightening around him. "Thank you... Nokoru." Eyes filled with pain looked up at him. Eyes filled with pain, but with a little relief, too. "You chased away the dream... the one where he comes, and then he becomes what I know he is. You chased him away, and you didn't take advantage of me. Thank you." Nokoru looked away, and then whispered, "It's all right. I was happy to do it-" His speech was cut off by a kiss on the mouth.

"What was that for?" Nokoru said, a little shocked and elated at the same time. "If it was because you were grateful that I didn't molest you while you were drunk, I don't need that kind of-" Subaru's whisper cut through his words. "I wish that I had met you, before him. I can't stop loving him, and I can't love anything else anymore- not really. But you made it come so close. So close to forgetting, to being normal for once... Thank you."

He sighed into Nokoru's arms. "I wish we had met before him. I wish..." Nokoru embraced him fiercely. "I wish- I wish that too. But we didn't... Are you feeling better now? More rested, more... centered, maybe?" Subaru nodded. "Good. That means you have a chance at surviving him, and his powers. If you do... you don't have to do what you were planning on doing, you know."

Seeing Subaru's startled glance, Nokoru added, "Death is not always the best way. If you win, I'll be here to help you heal. And after that... who knows? We could be happy, you know..." With that, he walked out of the room. He felt Subaru's sad smile, because it matched his own. *We could be happy... but that won't happen, will it? I wish...*

"Nokoru-san! Are you all right?" He saw Akira and Suoh coming from the direction of the office. "We rescheduled your appointments, and I started to do most of your-" Nokoru laughed, and replied, "What are you talking about? I'm feeling great! Bring on the paperwork, Suoh! I'm going to do all of it today! What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" Akira looked at Suoh, who shrugged. They weren't sure what had happened, but they weren't about to pry.

They started to follow their leader, who suddenly stopped and whispered, "I didn't do anything. Don't worry about me, ok?" Then he quickly went into the office. Akira let out a little sigh of relief, and said, "He would know that we were watching... but still, we can believe him. At least that's one less thing to worry about." Suoh nodded. "Thank the gods for that. We have enough trouble with just him..."

A voice came out from the office. "What do you think of a campus-wide picnic tomorrow Suoh? It'll be a nice day, and just one day without classes won't-" Akira and Suoh just shook their heads ruefully. "Just one day of classes off won't hurt anyone, huh? Scheduling it for tomorrow? Does he really think that it's possible-" Suoh nods. "Ijyuin. This is Kaichou, remember? Of course it's possible."
